Return? not they! Why should they go back? Here they had all things which are wont to satisfy man here below. A paradise of Eden-like beauty, amid which they wandered day by day all unheeding of the morrow. Why - why, indeed, should they leave the land of magical delights for the cold climate and still more glacial moral atmosphere of their native land, miscalled home?"

So wrote Louis Becke, the 'Rudyard Kipling of the South Pacific', about the South Sea traders.

He and many others succumbed to the siren song of these remote and soporific islands which is that on this small and human-sized stage your life will count for more and even your smallest accomplishments will be remembered.

Of those who do remain, few are ever struck by homesickness and none ever want to leave again.

Nor will you after you have stayed at the luxurious SOHANO OCEAN VIEW APARTMENTS on tropical Sohano Island in Buka Passage.